Malcolm Pein IM simul with Liverpool Juniors
Tuesday 16th April 2019
IM Malcolm Pein takes on Liverpool Juniors in a Simultaneous Event!
Liverpool Chess club are very grateful to International Master and Chess in Schools Director Malcolm Pein who last night kindly took on the Liverpool Junior players in a simultaneous display.
13 Juniors took part in total and 2 juniors managed to draw against Malcolm with Malcolm winning all other games but a number of other games were only narrow victories for Malcolm.
Bashar Rovezi drew, one week after defeating IM Gary Quillan in another simultaneous event and Lawrence Li got a draw and was the last man standing (same as last week against Gary), both players should be extremely proud of their achievements.
Other very close games for Ranny, Edmund, Lewis, William and Laura and good efforts from Isaac, Santiago, Daniel, Joel, Charlie and Santino.
Thank you Malcolm for a wonderful evening for the Juniors!