Liverpool are 440 League champions! - Liverpool Chess Club


Liverpool are 440 League champions!

Liverpool are 440 League champions!

Liverpool 440 team finish the season off with a win away to Atticus2 to make the 440 league title a sure thing
Draws for 3 of the 4 in Peter Lipka, Paul Brown and Sam Gibbons saw the game all level with 1 game remaining until Plamen did the business and grabbed the win right at the death to seal the match 2.5 – 1.5 and the 440 league title
Well done guys, brilliant result to finish off a superb league campaign for the year for the club
Just the Knotty Ash cup final on the 9th May left to go now in what is already the most successful season for the club in a couple of decades
I think we need to organise a night of celebration for all at the club!