Liverpool 3 win MCA Division 3 Title
25th April 2019
Liverpool 3 travelled to Wallasey tonight needing to win to guarantee the Division 3 title against our only title rivals Wallasey B.
Things started off well with Top board Tony Morley getting a win playing a Reti opening and Tony getting an edge which he kept after withstanding an attack on kingside.
Next captain Jim Gallagher played against a french which went down the Winawer route and had an attacking edge but soon found himself under pressure and offered a draw which was declined. His opponent went a pawn up but this was poisoned pawn and won a rook and the game. Liverpool 2-0 up!
Sean Robinson playing white on board 2 had a complex game starting off 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 c5 and all looked level in middle game but soon Sean had a slight advantage and was offered a draw twice but refused. Sean made an error late on which saw him checkmated, but great game
James Rigby played against an English on board 6 responding with a kings Indian defence.
The game was tight and James looked slightly down but held his nerve and won well in the endgame. 3-1 Liverpool just 2 games left to play.
James Rigby has won the Merseyside Division 3 Player of the season award with 7.5 wins from 8 games this season. Congratulations James this is a fantastic achievement! James will get a trophy for this at the Merseyside AGM next month!
Pete Mellor on board 4 also played a kings Indian and looked in real trouble going a piece down in the middle game before somehow winning a tactic and going a pawn up but this was short lived and soon was in a pawn endgame with no route for his king to get involved and lost the game. So Liverpool need at least a draw in the Last game if the night to win the match and the league title.
That task fell to youngster Bashar Rovezi playing white in a Queens Gambit declined.
Bashar looked ahead early on but found himself an exchange down but a pawn up but it was a connected passed pawn which he got to the 7th rank with all eyes now watching every move Bashar nearly queened but his opponent also had a pawn on 7th rank and this very sharp ending finished a draw. So Bashar won Liverpool 3 the match and the Division 3 title! Well done Bashar under great pressure!
Congratulations all who played for Liverpool 3 this year and finish the season unbeaten, joining Liverpool 2 who won division 2 and Liverpool juniors who won Division 5 this year!
This was the final league game for Liverpool chess club this season. Thank you to all players involved this year!
Great year the club once again winning 3 trophies!