Knotty Ash Cup win
Liverpool won against Aigburth in the quarter final of the knotty Ash cup after a night of drama eventually drawing the match 2.5 – 2.5 but winning on board count after getting wins on the top boards.
Mike Clarke couldn’t make the game very late on which created a scramble to get a player last minute and Sean Frost came to the rescue with 30 minutes down on the clock by the time he arrived and drew his game using only 14 minutes on his clock which won us the tie, so a huge thanks for Sean in making a great effort last minute and through to the Semi finals we go.
After Seans draw there were great wins for Peter Lipka on top board against 129 graded opponent and also a great win for Sam Gibbons on board 2 against a 126 opponent, big wins on the top boards which basically guaranteed us the win when combined with Sean’s draw.
Jim G lost after playing a danish opening as white and getting into a slight winning position but an exchange lost a tempo which opened up the h-file to his king after which the pressure increased.
Mikey lost a very close game against a 116 opponent which was level all the way until the end game of bishop and 5 pawns each which his opponent managed to push home for a passed pawn that couldn’t be stopped.
But all that didn’t matter in the end, we drew on points but won and board count so through we go, A massive thank you to all who played tonight, semi final next!!
Great way to finish for Christmas, enjoy the festive break everyone!